Becoming a HFM Patient – Accepting New Patients

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Becoming a HFM Patient – Accepting New Patients


Become a Heritage Family Patient

It's easy to become a Heritage Family Patient. To begin, call our receptionist at (360)704-A DOC (2362) and schedule your first appointment. The staff will inform you of our financial policies and which insurance companies we are currently participating with.

Please allow 15 minutes before your appointment to complete the registration and other forms needed. However, you may fill out your paperwork ahead of time by downloading and printing the forms listed to the left of this page. Then bring them with you, and give them to the receptionist when you check-in.

Additionally, in order to get the most out of your office visits, we encourage you to read the article, How To Be A GREAT HFM Patient.

If we are billing insurance, BE SURE to bring your insurance card with you.

Heritage Family Medicine online forms are in PDF format. You will need a PDF reader to view and print the forms. Below is a link for a free pdf reader program that you may download.

Familiarize yourself with HFM financial policies and privacy policies.

If we are billing insurance, BE SURE to bring your insurance card with you.

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